Wednesday, February 11, 2009


February 9, 2009

So, yesterday was probably one of my most special days! Since it was snowing so hard we went to the “SchwimBad” and had a good three hours there jumping off high jumps, sliding down slides, and swimming in the wave pool. After being in the water and warmness for three hours it was refreshing to go outside in the cold and falling snow for our walk home.
Next to the pool is the ice skating stadium. We snuck inside and watched figure skating practice and walked into the other side and watched hockey practice. There were two ice rinks. We found out that on Tuesday nights they have DISCO on the ICE, we are all contemplating that, we might do it! Also, there will be a ice hockey game Friday and we most definitely will be going to that.
Last night we went to Schatten, to visit an old School friend of my mother’s. It was again traditional Bavrian food and culture this time. Not only was the food outstanding again, but the entertainment was awesome. As we were eating, a four man band was playing music, and because it is the beginning of “Fasching” they had actors dressed in masks doing different things with the crowd. Their masks were made of wood, and each one had a different character carved and painted on their individual masks. Some had big noises, other were laughing, my personal favorite was the grandma face yawning. I don’t know much about the history of Fasching but I have heard of the mask tradition and last night I was able to experience it first hand. What I am most excited about is, not only did we get this on camera, we have been video-recording the entire time. So, just before we left I said good-buy to my mom’s friend and he told me that next Sunday will be 10 times bigger of a celebration that this Sunday. So I think even if we go to Venice, Italy next Sunday, we should be back in time.
Awwe, yes Venice… So we finally found a travel agency that does Day tours. For one day round trip to Venice it is 49 Euros. They will be celebrating Fasching there as well! It should be a ton of fun.
So anyhow later on into the night we rumbled to our favorite Frauendorfer spot, and perched their for a while. We saw even more characters coming and going from different bars located on the Ludwig Stra. What we also observed is that when each of these characters went from one bar to another, they were given a free drink every time. We all contemplated buying a mask and dressing up next week…. We decided only if we are low on cash! J
So, as it snowed monster flakes yesterday, today is entirely sunny! We are getting ready to go Ski for the afternoon. Finally our first ski day in Garmisch-Partenkirchen!
So I hope you enjoy some of these photos from the past couple of days!


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